Unlock iphone IOS6 with Ultrasnow Fixer

Although Apple is trying its best to keep its IOS stable and secure but there are plenty of  individual and enthusiasts who are developing applications and watching for loop wholes to breech the security of iphone’s. 
There are mainly two type of security breaches in Apple’s iphone. One is Jail breaking and otherone is unlocking.In broader terms they looks identical but as far as in technical terms there is a slight difference. Unlocking is a simple method allowing any Sim to be used in Iphone whereas jailbreaking allows unsigned code to be installed within one’s iOS software.

If you’ve been preserving your iOS device’s baseband for sometime, you’ll be glad to know that you can now unlock your jailbroken iPhone 4-3GS running iOS 6 with the latest version of UltraSnow Fixer. 

Fixer is a jailbreak utility for iOS 6 that will only work for iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS users, and supports the following basebands:


Compatible Devices :-

iPhone 4 (Jailbroken)
iPhone 3GS (Jailbroken)

Step 1: Launch Cydia, and hit Manage, then Sources.

Step 2: Next, add the iparelhos repository. If you’ve been organized and re-added your sources from iOS 5, then it should already be there, but if not, select Edit and Add, and type http://repo.iparelhos.com before hitting Add Source.

Step 3: Now, download the latest official iteration of Ultrasn0w from Cydia.

Step 4: Now browse for Ultrasn0w Fixer for 6.0 utility in Cydia. Tap the Install button and let Cydia work its magic.

That’s it! you should now have an unlocked iPhone.