Zong Packages Daily,Monthly & Weekly with codes

Zong is one of the most popular cellular and data network in Pakistan. Over the years Zong and Ufone has captured the major market and user base in Pakistan. Zong Internet Packages in 2022 are most affordable and competitive with a variety of offers for users from its sms , call packages to social media bundles. The top of the line bundles are Zong monthly, however many users rely on daily and weekly bundles too. Moreover there are 3 Days,15 Days and 45 days internet packages available as per user needs.

Zong Daily Packages

PACKAGE PRICE DetailsValidity periodCode
Daily BasicPKR 23 100MB24 hrs*6464#
data usage check *102#
Day time OfferPKR 231.5 GB4am to 7pm*47#
Daily Social offerPKR 231.5 GB
(Youtube, Facebook,
WhatsApp & IMO)
24 hrs*386#
Daily GNOPKR 232.5GB
Zong 4G & Super 3G
1 am to 9 amSMS “gno” to 6464
Daily Data MaxPKR 491GB
(500MB internet + 500MB Youtube)
24 hrs*6464#
data usage check *102#
Free Google MapsFreeFUP 250 MB24 hrsTo avail this offer, the relevant data bundle must be activated
Classified packPKR 550 MB24 hrs*6464# or
SMS “CFD” to 6464
To unsub SMS “unsub CFD” to 6464
Daily Facebook offerPKR 5500MB24 hrs*32#