Blogging Tips
Add a background image to Blogger post
You can easily add a back ground 
image to blogger post as you can see
in my this post.Even you can add 
background to some portion of your 
post or to scroll bar 

.(How to Add scroll bar to blogger

You have to follow two steps

  • Upload a desired image you want to use as background to any image hosting website
  • Edit HTML code within your POST to display the background
1. Uploading the image (you want to use as background ) is very easy.Just read the article Upload image to Blogger Host. And copy the URL reference where your image is uploaded.

2. The URL is basically the reference of the image where you have uploaded your image.Now you have to use this image refrence in your code.

6. Now add following code to display the background image

Your text goes here….

e.g I uploaded a background image to blogger and copied its reference code:

Your text goes here….

To Know how to upload desired Blogger image to a Blogger host and copy the reference URLwhere your image was uploaded Read this post

Blogging Tips
Change background color in blogger Post
Sometimes you need to change a part or whole background of your blogger post text.When you first click create new post .With nothing written in the post click on the HTML button.
Change background color in blogger Post

 you will see only the following code.

Change background color in blogger Post

Now again switch to the compose mode and write some thing then go back to HTML mode.To change background of written text just add following code in HTML mode

Some text goes here with no background color

Your text goes here with background color

Blogging Tips
Upload image to Blogger host
Although there are many Image hosting sites like Photobucket & TinyPic but its better that you use your very own Blogger to upload the desired image.
To upload blogger image follow these steps.
1- Log in to your Blogger account click New Post  button to create a new post.
2- In the new post click the image icon and add an image to display in the post
3- Once your image is uploaded,switch to HTML from compose.
4. Find the following code

The above code tells where your image is saved in the blogger.You can use it in blogger posts as backgrounds.

Blogging Tips
Add Scrollbar within Blogger Post

Scrollbar for blogger posts is an important feature of your Blog and helps you out when your blog post contents or text gets too long. I came across the problem when i was writing a post for my Blog and had to display some HTML code in the post.The HTML code was a bit lengthy and was eating up lots of my post height area.So i decided to add a scroll bar for the code and this way my post looked more logical and understandable.
Scrollbar for blogger posts

Adding scrollbar to your blog post is very simple.Just you have to follow two steps.

  • Add few lines of HTML code in Template–>HTML code
  • Add two lines of code in your POST for the text you want to display in scrollbars
1.  Log in your blogger account.
2.  Go to dashboard.
3.  Now Click on Template which is in left pane.
4.  Click on Edit HTML.
5.  Click on Proceed.
6.  Now find below code (clicking in HTML code area and press control+F and type in /* comments):
/* Comments
7.  Just above it, paste following code:
.pakcreative_ScrollBox {

8. You can changed the width and height parameters to the desired ones
9. Save the template.
10. Now you have to add scroll bar to your post.So compose a new post or select already posted post by clicking edit..There are two options in the upper left corner for a post one is compose and other is HTML.Select the HTML tab.
10. Now put the following code at start and end of the text which you want to be displayed in the scrollbars.

11. At the start point

12. At the End point

13. That’s all now your desired text will be displayed in scrollbars.

14. if you have problems in finding the start and end points of your text where you want to put the above mentioned code in HTML format. You first select the compose format.Copy the starting line you want to put in scroll bar.Then go to HTML control+F.Pate the copied line in it. This way you will be directed to the first line you want to start the scroll bar in HTML format. Just put the code as shown at Point 11 above the highlighted line. Do the same for the end line.

You can add additional attributes to the above code like you can change the font and back ground color or even display background image in the scrollbar.Your main code for template is

.pakcreative_ScrollBox {

Blogging Tips
Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails For Blogger/Blogspot
Recent Posts widget/gadget with thumbnails is an important and interesting element of your Blog. It gives your viewers a better and easy chance to navigate to your recent posts,besides making your blog more cool attracting the eyes of visitors.This post explains how to add Recent Posts widget in Blogger with image thumbnails on your Blog’s Sidebar.You can also configure the number of posts displaying on the left side bar.
Recent Posts widget in blogger

Follow the steps below:

1. Go To Blogger > Layout
2. Click on “Add a Gadget”
3. Select HTML/JavaScript
4. Paste the following code:

By default, this widget is set to display 4 recent posts and will pick from the last 10 posts posted. You can change the number 10 with the number of posts desired.

Also if you want to display more than 4 posts on the left side bar than in the code add following code after imgr[4] = “”;

imgr[5] = “”;

You can increase the number of posts by adding additional lines of code as above and increasing th number on left of code in imgr[desired number]

Blogging Tips
Add Amazon associate to blogger
Adding Amazone associate to blogger is very easy. Linking to Amazon products on your blog can generate significant income. However, your earning will depend on your blog topic and incoming traffic. Before,adding Amazone widget to your Blog you must understand that your widget must contain the links related to general content of your blog. Another option is to add a generic Amazon widget such as the Deals Widget to get bargain hunters and impulse buyers from your readership.
First of all you have to go to Make your account there. Then type the link select the widget you want e.g Carousel add to website.from there you can select an option e.g best sellers and then the required clicking next step ultimately you will get an HTML code like the below one:-

Copy the HTML code. Go to Blogger –> Layout–>click add Gadget–>HTML–>and pate the code as mentioned above…

Your site will contain the amazone associate widget for blogger as mentioned above.You can check your earnings by logging in at Amazone and by clicking–> your earnings

Blogging Tips
How to display swf file in blogger
Showing Swf files in your blogger is very easy. Just follow the following steps.

  • create swf file
  • upload it on a swf hosting website
  • In Blogger Layout Add a Gadget–>HTML/java script–>
  • Put embeded HTML code of Just few lines and you are done

1. First of all obviously you need swf file that you want to display on your blog.(if you have time just create it or as a sample you can use my swf created file and code as mentioned in later paras)

2. If you want to make swf file you need swf editor software like Photo flash maker .You can download Photoflash maker from this web link

3. It is very easy to make swf file. The swf editor already has some themes like the below one.You just add photos e.g from your posts in it.

4. Also you can add text and link the photos to your posts by adding the required post link in the editor photo options. Its quite easy just down load the software and create swf file.In Photoflash maker after adding photos and corresponding links click publish.Ensure object embedded option is checked and click publish now.It will create a swf file folder.In the file along with .swf you will also have html file.

5. Now you need an swf file hosting website.So that you can upload your .swf  file to it.A good one is the upload icon and give the path of file where your .swf file is located.

6. After uploading the file you need the web link where your .swf file is uploaded and put the link in code mentioned below . (In after uploading .swf file you will be given different link options to your .swf file. Just Copy the Direct link: and paste it in following code (in place of Your direct web link for swf file)

7. I also created and uploaded a .swf file and my direct link was

so my code become” quality=”high” allowscriptaccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” pluginspage=”” align=”middle” height=”300″ width=”300″>

8. If you only want to check you can also use my embedded code above.anyways after getting the embeded code now is time to put it in your blogger.

9. Go to Blogger..>Layout…>Add a Gadget…..>HTML/java script

10. Now put your Embedded code in blank space and save

11. Now check your blog and you will have a nice swf file displayed on your blogger

12. Best of Luck!

Blogging Tips
Free Google tools
There are a number of free Google tools that google has offered for maintaining and optimizing blogs. However, most of us are not fully aware of them or are not utilizing them to improve our blogs.  A good blogger always keeps his site uptodate by using various tools and by studying his site health. So here is a list of some important tools that Google has offered to keep your site user friendly and optimized.
Google Webmasters Tools
It is one of the most popular free google tools provided by Google to diagnose any issues within your website, and to help keep your site Google search engine friendly.
This tool is used to identify any potential issues within your website that could cause you to lose traffic. You can also use Webmaster Tools to help Google understand which search queries your website is best suited to. You can then get a detailed overview of the queries, impressions and clicks from within your website which will help you to understand more about your users browsing behavior.
As you create pages on your website; you can use Webmaster Tools to track which other sites link back to these pages as well as how many times the pages appear within Googles search results. By analysing this data provided on Webmaster tools you will begin to understand which pages are the more successful within your website and can then adjust your strategy to optimise on this. All this makes Google Webmaster Tools one of the most powerful free Google tools available to use online.
Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps to improve on the analytics you can gain from within Webmaster Tools. You can analyze in depth data of your websites. 
Google Plus
Google plus is an important social media tool. You can promote your blog using your website or blog. You can make circles of your friends and share your blog writings with them just by one click. 
Google Authorship
This is a very good and impressive tool.Now you might have noticed that when you search on a google a thumbshot image of the author is also shown with some searches. This means that those bloggers have taken the time to create a Google Authorship account. By following a few simple instructions from Google you can implement this to your blog easily and ensure that each of your posts return a headshot next to your article within Googles search results. This will attract more clicks to your articles as you stand out from all those who have yet to still set up Google Authorship. 
So you can use all these free Google tools to save hundred of pounds that you are going to pay different SEO agencies.And if you are not using them already then start now and watch your websites natural growth improve.
Blogging Tips
Feed burner for Blogger

RSS Rich Site Summary (originally RDF Site Summary, often dubbed Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format
As a websites visitor and surfer you have lot of favorite sites and most of them are added to your bookmarks. You want to keep yourself up to date for any new thing appearing on those websites. Some websites are updated regularly on daily basis while others may put something new on their website after a weak. So in the beginning people found that it took a lot of time to visit all their favourite sites regularly just to check for any changes.   It was frustrating for sites that don’t change often.  It was hard to spot changes in big sites.   So web-site owners realised that some people simply wouldn’t remember to check back anyway.
A few approaches were created to solve this problem.  One is RSS (“Really simple syndication”), which is based on the idea that
Every time a Website is updated, they “publish a feed” of what’s new, and
People who are interested in websites use “feed reader” software called ‘RSS reader’  or “aggregator”, which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based to check if the sites they are interested in have new material.

FeedBurner for Blogger

The idea of feedburner for your Blog revolves around two things

  •  “burn” (ie create) a feed from your blog (or other website). 
  •   A feed subscription link for your visitors on your blog.

Althugh it is always better to add Feed burner tools to your blogger that are already available in the widgets list.However you can manually do it by following undermentioned steps.

1.  Go to Feedburner:

2.  Log in, using the same Google account that owns your blog.

3. Follow the simple steps to Add a feed for your blog

Blogging Tips
Get Google Adsense Approved in Pakistan

Most of bloggers just starts bogging to earn money and that is very true for bloggers in Pakistan. In the beginning everybody put efforts and posts lot of contents on his / her blog .Then apply for Google Adsense but it adds to their worries when they see that their application has been declined…So what seems so easy in the start turns too difficult..Most of us then start looking for alternatives of Google Adsense (Like Clicksor,Infolinks etc)… It is fact that Google Adsense account approval polices, especially for those living in Pakistan.
One of the main reasons that the Google Adsense application of most of the Pakistanis are not approved is because of spammers in Pakistan. So what the spammers do? The make a blog on blogger or WordPress. Post some articles or web contents on them that they have simply copied from other websites like etc. Then they get Google Adsense account created via third party websites and upon approval display adsense on their blogs. After that they sell these blogs to innocent Pakistanis by telling that these spammy blogs drives lot of traffic and Google Adsense accounts are active on these blogs. And innocent bloggers pay money in thousands to these cheaters.

Due to this bad situation in Pakistan getting Google Adsense is a little difficult in our country. However, following are some useful tips to get your Google adsense approved.

5 Tips To Get Google Adsense Approved in Pakistan

1.  For sure you need a website or Blog. For blog Blogger is better option. You can also use Word press but as you know that Blogger is owned by Google so you can understand why it’s a little easy to get Google Adsense account approved for Blogger than WordPress.

 2.   Wait for at least six months before applying for Google Adsense. Although waiting for six months will be worrying you but to get the Adsense account you must have a good traffic / No of visitors coming on your site daily. A figure of 400 visitors at least daily will make it easy to get your Adsense account approved. 
3. Optimize your website / Blog via SEO to drive more traffic.
4. Try to work hard and put good and quality content on your site. It will attract more audience to your Blog. Quality and quantity both matters.
5. Apply for Google Adsense once your Blog or website has all the above mentioned qualities.

You can achieve all the above mentioned qualities for your web site / Blog within less than six months but it requires more hard work and commitment. Best of luck.